Kindness begins at home: If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning "Good morning" at total strangers.








Conversation Insights:
As a family growing up in Grenada our experiences in all facets of life has been unique with good times and not so good times, but we strive by learning and relearning from each experience. Parents, relatives, teachers, civil servants, peers, community and religious leaders all played roles that impacted us eminently and positively. The most important peer pressure was our parent, as their life purpose was to prepare us to always be engaged in the value of principles, good citizenship and serving others where ever we are no matter our life’s circumstances. Our parent expected no less than the best performance as they provided the best tools and support available to face life present and future challenges. As we got older we became fully aware that life successes must be achieved in spite of the abundant or lack of resources available in our short life journey. We recognize and appreciate the legacies they passed on to us and others and their passion that we create our own life-long legacies.

The Waple Nedd Empowerment Foundation was established in honor of the outstanding contributions, as we and others witnessed the untiring ways Waple ministered day-in and day-out. In the spirit of her passion to empower others to attain success, we are committed to keep this legacy alive on the principle of building a Foundation upon the “MIND/BRAIN” concept. The brain and mind is viewed as the center that governs the home, classroom, playground, workplace and service to mankind. If we don’t excel then we waste our human potential. Our world has made tremendous advancement in new technology, products and services but has resulted in far less hope of caring, serving and teaching each generation to acquire legacies worthy to be passed on. Ideas start in our mines but its value(s) can only be measured by their outcome(s). We therefore, intend to create and sustain a series of conversations to achieve predictable outcomes. This will be done in conjunction and support with organizations, businesses and individuals towards achieving some common goals. Building any home, organization, community and/or nation requires more than “Good Intentions”. Good intentions of educating one generation by starting the foundation structure but stopping and never continuing; makes it impossible for the stakeholders to benefit from the initial investment. These points of conversations will be built by researching, informing and empowering the public at large via forums and releases from time-to-time about subject areas affecting community awareness, preparedness, support, sustaining and serving.

The Waple Nedd Empowerment Foundation intends to develop and post presentation(s) focusing on education and health wellness related topics via this website and other media outlets. We will engage individuals, businesses and organizations (Grenadian locally and from the diaspora communities abroad) having common concerns and commitment in helping to build good citizenship and community improvement throughout Grenada. We will build two teams of experts with the passion to share their respective wisdom; one team dealing with educational issues and the other team dealing with health wellness issues. Participants who contribute in areas of research and or different forms of presentations understands and agrees that their work can and may be used in full or in part by Waple Nedd Empowerment Foundation for further releases from time-to-time. Any funds collected as a result of forums and releases will solely benefit the Foundation’s goals and objectives. Forums and releases will be treated as a work in progress so that facts and data will be added or deleted to any and all forums and releases in the course of time. We intend to make adjustments in formats via radio, TV and print media as funding for the Foundation become more stable. Under the educational and health wellness campaign, the Foundation will utilize staff, resource professionals, supporters and directors to explore and present information under the following topics:

Archives/Historical Landmarks
Agriculture/Agro Industry/Horticulture
Credit Unions/Financial Institutions/Insurance Companies
Court/Legal System/Rule of Law/Rights of Citizens/Security
Creativity/Performance/Path to Success
Diaspora Impact to Grenada and Abroad
Economy and Resource Management
Educational Institutions
Expo’69/Rainbow City
Government Ministries/Agencies – The Officers/Civil Servants Roles
Grenada’s Independence and Thereafter
Healthcare Delivery System/Management/Economic/Outcomes
Non-Profit/Religious Organizations
Public Services – Utilities/Transportation
Recognizing Key Contributors
Social Services
Statutory Boards
Trade Unions

Each subject matter will be pursued based on research, accountability, responsibility and management under the following parameters – history, evolution, stakeholders, legal positions, needs, goals, objectives, challenges, solutions, population impacts, successes, current planning and moving forward. We also intend to include - ideas, resources, projects and processes. Building and sustaining foundation(s) requires people, money, plans, materials, tools, models, implementation, testing, approval and utilization. We expect these exercises to foster learning and teaching experiences to stakeholders and benefactors alike and at the same time empowering good citizenship and community improvement in all areas of life in our beloved, Grenada.


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